With a history of over 20 years of dance experience, the members of Wintor Massiv experienced multiple barriers connected with street dance such as prejudice, negative-stigma, stereotype, and the lack of understanding of the culture throughout their journey. By building resilience together with our community and earning their stripes through various outlets such as battles, showcase, judging, theatre, and professional choreography, the members of Wintor Massiv recognize the importance to pay homage to the past and continue to educate the traditions of Hip Hop culture, bringing the evolution around full-circle to the beginning.
Breaking and Hip Hop Dance has come to a point where professional arts organizations, companies, agencies, and councils alike have come to support and recognize the movement as an legitimate artistic practice, and also believe in the diverse values that Hip Hop arts teaches. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done and progress to be made and Wintor stands strongly in our values and approach of traditional Hip Hop culture.
Each One, Teach One.